Sunday 9 October 2011

Lightroom Kudos

Recently I updated my computer, and also updated my Lightroom software. I've spoken about Lightroom before, but just a reminder that I'm in no way a professional photographer, or colour person but I tend to only use Lightroom for ordering, processing and colour grading my photos. Some peeps use online software, some use Photoshop (or Potatoshop - thx Franca!) but my photographer friends told me about Lightroom, and for simple things and great colour photos, I totally use it and love it.

The above is a normal photo from my Lumix camera. We shot another wedding yesterday, so I've been taking it around with me for a few weeks to remember how to use it (which is pretty straightforward) and took this photo of tramlines, lights and towers near my work. Great clouds too right?

I've then updated my 'presets' with Lightroom, and thought I'd show you these 'filters' or 'colour grade' presets that are FREE to download to add to your Lightroom. Have a look at these two diff looks:

One is a bit stronger in the blue than the original, and the bottom photo is so vintage-y and cute, and these are 'preset' filters that awesome people design and you can flick between them and choose what looks best! OMG EASY!

Because awesome people make these presets, I thought I'd do a shout out here:

Here's some Perfect Presets for Lightroom by OnOne Software (I used their free filter for the middle photo) and there's over 50 filters to use... maybe even close to 100 different things from borders, vignettes, colours, vintage looks etc! YIKES and all for free!

Pierre has made 6 new presets to WOW your photos and I used his WOW vintage filter for the bottom photo.

And I googled up these great free presets as well!

Not to get too nostalgic about things, but when I first studied hypertext theory (I won't even begin to explain, it's way too boring and complex and too 1998) we were all about researching 'shared knowledge' and the library that is everywhere. I guess that's open source information, and freeware and the amazing thing about the internetz today! I'm in love that amazing people make these filters, and share them with us! AND, if you're just starting to explore photography and Lightroom, these pages are also really great in helping you use the photography software for your needs as well! There's probably plenty of great shareware/freeware stuff out there, but just wanted to share it with you and say thanks to these designers!


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Thanks for being awesome and a total darling, leave a message!

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