Wednesday 30 January 2013

Green Thumbs Needed!

After a year of living in our beloved home, we spent a good working bee weekend in the garden, thanks to the help of Mum & Dad! I have fallen off the green thumb bandwagon, what with 2012 being the Baby Growing career year and all... so things were extremely out of hand (and the roses still are, mind!) in the backyard. Please don't even MENTION the front yard!

The summer has been pretty brutal so far, and lots of plants were in a state... the garden shed is like a greenery (a very haphazard shed) or bush shed, and the door became stuck a few months ago, and I couldn't get in to see what was growing (or not growing). Over the working bee weekend, Mum helped me organise and saved the lives of many gorgeous green things... so hopefully I'll be able to continue helping these plants survive!

And here are the future feature plants (my favourites!), the succulents!

The beginnings!



  1. I have zero green thumbs! My dad gave me potted herbs when we first moved out and I killed them so quickly it's not even funny. I really want a vege/herb garden one day so hopefully I can turn my thumbs green.


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