I've had a week off - and totally relaxed! Then I worked at the Splendour in the Grass Music Festival, saw some great bands and then back at work this week - It's TOO BUSY! There's just so much going on!
Nevertheless, here is my 'man' shirt:
I cuffed the sleeves after the photo was taken... but the cool thing is that I was VERY tight with fabric, as it was fabric my friend Sam picked out for a nice summer dress (she's holidaying in EUROPE as I type) and this man shirt was the leftovers! I'm pretty pleased with it, the collar has settled down since and I just am so proud of the pocket... it's the best I have EVER done... so simple but so easy to stuff up and get wonky...
Mr Veronica Darling wore it to Splendour on the Sunday and looked HOT with a vest over it when it got colder later on! And it got VERY VERY VERY COLD!
I made 2 dresses for myself but didn't get good pics of them! I was too busy working and taking photos of everyone else!