Get in Touch

Thanks for reading my blog! I always adore getting an email or two, so please get in touch! 

With my Handmade Wardrobe & sustainable, ethical set of values (and a positive outlook), I'm very keen to hear from you!

I've been in Shanghai, China, since September 2014 and am part of the Shanghai Blogger Society, there's a handy new APP where you can read about all the blogs in this great city in one place.

As this is a DIY blog, I'm less inclined to review clothing & fashion - especially mass produced and larger businesses, but thank you for emailing me your very special blogger loyalty program news! 

But seriously, get in touch and say HI, I love seeing who drops by here!

And of course, Twitter and Instagram!

Dongmen Lu Fabric Market

Happy Wednesday! Time to get some fabric inspiration from the Dongmen Lu Fabric Market here in Shanghai! Can't believe how quickly 201...