Cause I'm not busy enough I've signed up for a 50 Book Challenge!
I was reading The Crafty Librarian's blog and she mentioned the 75 Book Challenge, and I thought I'd give myself a slightly smaller goal of 50, as I've been reading a lot recently but earlier in the year I was treading water... I'd hardly finished 1 book in the first six months! Yikes! I think 50 is a pretty good goal for one year!
I've started with 'The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay' by Michael Chabon as I was given it for my birthday and so far so good. I'm not much of a reviewer, so don't stress, this is still a craft blog, but I want to give myself more goals of DOING things rather than talk about them all the time. I'm SUCH a good talker these days and not much of a Do-er type.
This morning at work I felt a tickle on my arm, and thought it was my long locks on my bare skin, but I looked down and it was a SPIDER that I yelled at, "Spider!" and then brushed away, but all day since I keep thinking there's more on me! My hair really is tickling my neck now, but I keep thinking more spiders have come!
Isn't funny, the first think I did when I saw it was to say "spider" and then flick it off... what a dork! "Spider!"
Hehe! I think the 50 Book Challenge is great! I do read pretty's just finding the time to get books in :o) Good luck!