As I'd forgotten that our attic was getting renovated by my brother's friend, who's deadset adorable, but doing our place when he has time. So there luckily was no red dust anywhere at my house (All you Sydney people tricked me with orange photoshopped images of that dust storm while I was in Melbourne), but there were loads and loads of sawdust, extra pieces of wood and other carpentry attic type things around my house.
AND I'D ALSO FORGOTTEN THAT MOST OF OUR JUNK IS IN OUR LOUNGEROOM. As whilst the attic is being reno-ed our lounge must serve as storage area, and I really honestly can't believe how much stuff we have kept. I may even destash before my Husbie gets home (he's in Melbs for a few more days).
Now, as there's no electricity upstairs, I tried to take a photo on the every trusty blackberry. BUT, they all looked totally shithouse. So for the purpose of having a photo in my blog (where are all the cameras in my house gone?) post, just for the moment, can you please pretend my attic looks like this:
Care of this random blog, of course, but OMFG, that is a big attic! Obvs doesn't live in Newtown.
Anyways, I'm home, I've knitted in front of the telly, ate my fave laksa and sewn up a bit more of this girlie dress (Peggy style) I was making for the Sew Retro blog for the Mad Men September Comp thing. I may be too late, but will try and get it finished tomorrow.
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