Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Our news xoxo

You may be wondering why I haven't taken as many 'selfies' (thank my Instagram friends for that!) around here, as there have been times where I haven't felt human enough to even get out of bed (let alone taking a photograph of myself) this year, and that's because... Husbie and I are expecting our first child in September!

We're halfway through now, and had a great healthy ultrasound this week, and feel a lot more comfortable being pregnant than the first 4 months! I wanted to share the news with you a bit earlier, but my creating and blogging mojo hasn't been the best... you probably could tell! But, I feel so much better this past month, starting prenatal yoga and being healthy... and now that I'm finishing up my mad work commitments and relaxing my extra curricular activities (LOL), I'm smooth sailing!

As I haven't felt so crafty, my darling friend gave me a whole bunch of beautiful floppy and flowy dresses to wear, as I 'popped' out and became really uncomfortable in my normal clothes in the past few weeks. These photos show a gorgeous vintage maternity dress, that I'm sure I'll get a lot of wear out of this winter! But how hilarious is Doris Day waiting patiently!? She's such a funny little dog!

This week, I finally found a bit of sewing mojo and made up some super comfy stretch clothes, and if you're keen, the post is up on Sew Weekly for the Mother's Day themed week... but I'll pop the photos up here too.

Thank you for still being a lovely friend here, you've stuck through a wishy washy season of my blog, and I really appreciate all your little check ins and your comments! I'm really excited about the rest of the year, and hope to share more news with you soon!



  1. Congratulations! You look amazing x I hope everything goes well for you through your pregnancy x

  2. I was wondering when Veronica was going to break the news! We are so excited for you both! Yea babies!

  3. CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! I KNOW you will make the best mom ever!

    I added you on Instagram, I hope you post some photos soon! xo

  4. Oh wow! Congratulations! I know I have never met you but I feel so happy when bloggers have such great news! You maternity dress looks great! Thanks for sharing with us!

  5. aw congratulations to you both, i'm not a regular commenter but some news just deserves a click through to pass on best wishes. make sure you look after yourself xx

  6. Doris is a riot in these photos - congratulations and I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well - borrowed got me through both of my pregnancies so I could use whatever sewing mojo I had to make baby thingies! Wish you well! (And you do look great, by the way!)

  7. Congratulations! You look absolutely stunning :) And I want to wish you and Husbie (I love that nickname, by the way) the best of luck on this new adventure of your life!

    PS: your dog is absolutely adorable, I wish ours were as well behaved!

  8. Congratulations! I'm basically repeating what SorbetSurprise said, but although we've never met I'm so crazy happy for you!

  9. WWAAOOW! congratulations darling family! and look how well miss doggie is behaving after a little schooling :)))

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! You look gorgeous! Can't wait to see your baby sewing. xx

  11. Congratulations! That dress looks adorable on you, and you look sooooo happy! Doris Day is hilarious, too.

  12. Congratulations! Are you still having morning sickness? If so, I recommend graham crackers. I nibbled on them when I was pregnant with my son and they worked wonders for me. Bland enough to not further upset my stomach, but just enough flavor to not make them sickening to eat.

  13. Oh wow! Congratulations!! I'm really happy for you guys! And Doris Day looks too sweet! What a good girl!

  14. Congrats!! How exciting!! Miss Doris Day is absolutely a darling. I love her so :)

  15. OMG OMG OMG! Babies are so exciting!

  16. Congratulations Veronica!! You are looking so well and happy; I wish you all the best for a continuing healthy pregnancy. Such exciting news!

  17. Such lovely news! Congratulations! Have you started crocheting a baby blanket yet??

  18. Congrats! I hope you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

  19. Congratulations. I had a feeling you'd get pregnant after buying your house! Hope the rest of the pregnancy sails smoothly for you.

  20. Yay!!! The news is out. Congratulations again. I am so excited to have someone pregnant at the same time as me to chat to. You are looking gorgeous! Did you find out what you are having or are you going to let it be a surprise? We find out not this Friday but the one after. I am so excited!!!

  21. A little Darling! Hooray! Congratulations and enjoy! :)

  22. Congratulations! How cute does Doris Day look sitting up in that chair?

  23. Congratulations! And your pup is hilarious, too!

  24. OH!!! This is so fabulous! Congratulations!!!

  25. You look totally wonderful, congratulations to you both.

  26. Congratulations! you look wonderful and i love Doris in your photos :)

  27. Yipppeeee! I am so excited for both of you! And Doris is such a doll!! You look fabulous!

  28. Woo Hoo! The hardest work and the best thing you'll ever do. It is amazing having a child. I'm happy for both of you. Hope that last bit is better than the first half.

  29. *squee!!!* Congratulations!! A baby Darling in September! Yippee! I hear you about the first trimester - mine was super-challenging.

    Miss Doris is so adorable! Look at her looking at her cute mama!

  30. Congratulations! Hope doggie Darling doesn't mind being knocked off the pedestal.

  31. Congratulations! That dress is really rather lovely, maternity or not!

  32. That is so exciting and the best news ever! So so happy for you and your husband. Congratulations!

  33. Congratulations Veronica! I am also expecting first child in October :)

  34. congrats! That's such exciting news! You'll have a good excuse to sew up some of Megan Nielsen's amazing pregnancy patterns now!

  35. Congratulations!!! You look amazing, and I know you and your hubbie will be fantastic parents! Can't wait to see all the awesome maternity clothes, and baby clothes you will be making now :)

  36. CONGRATULATIONS!! Yaaay to you and your family!! You look absolutely gorgeous - Doris Day is looking super cute also, so much personality in her little face!
    (I've been a silent blog stalker of late... I've just had no coherent words to speak of but I've been following your adventures with smiles xx)

  37. I have just read of your fabulous news. Totally awesome and you look amazing. I don't know you personally but I get the feeling you will be a wonderful mummy. Yay. You have the nesting period to look forward to, and then you will know what productivity is!! Doris Day looks very protective of you. Cuuute.

  38. Congrats! Also I love how Doris Day is sitting, I thought my dog was the only one who did that!

  39. CONGRATULATIONS to you both! How very exciting! Can't wait for the little mister or miss to join the family. How lucky is this bubba to have such great parents. Lots of love, all of us x

  40. oh I am soooo late in finding this out, but congratulations to you both - so very exciting! And I'm also very happy for you that the icky first few months are over, time to recover and recoup before the grand finale.....

  41. Congratulations! I hope the second half is smoother for you. And yes, your dog looks ridiculous sitting there in a very silly manner.


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