Sunday 9 August 2015

Knitting: Baby Blanket for a Darling One


My bestie in the UK had a baby! YAY! I knitted him a baby blanket! YAY!!!

Untitled Untitled

I'm very happy with it, but it's more of a pram accessory type blanket than roll up your baby like a kebab type blanket. I found the pattern on Ravelry, and it was simple to follow (I'm not a big knitter these days, I do like it, but I can't concentrate on anything other than purl or knit!) but looks slightly tricky with those diagonal stripes. It took a long while though, maybe 2 months? I don't sit and watch tv shows as much as I used to! But the sweetest thing is when you can give your child a crochet hook and a scrap of wool and we both 'knit' together for a bit.

The wool came from a small wool shop in Wuyi Lu in Shanghai's Changning District, it's near Dingxi Lu, and about a 15 minute walk from our house. The women were so sweet and helpful, I didn't speak much Chinese when I bought it but I wanted green and tried to say 'lu' because I know how to order green tea! It worked, and it's a little minty fresh green than the grassy green I'd hoped for. But looks lovely with the cream.

Now that we live in Shanghai, I also started investigating about visiting her because wouldn't you think that flights would be cheaper since we're a little bit closer to England than Australia? Nup. It's peak time to fly (even though I was looking at the end of the holidays) and my little budgeting dream got squashed as our insurance bill came in and other ridiculous "adults who live abroad" things that cost money. So instead, this little baby blanket has arrived safely by China Post!

I REALLY want to visit the UK in the next year though, so fingers crossed xoxo

Hope you're having a lovely weekend! I'm out of whack with my blogging at the moment, it's been so hot and now the weekend is actually a little stormy, we think another typhoon is around! What a summer!

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