It's Market Day this weekend! Also see my Birthday present!!! David Lynch floating above the world print! Squee!
Have you made anything for a market before? I know lots of lovely creative types who attend the regular handmade markets in Australia... lots of lovely friends with great handmade wares! But I've never really sold my things beyond my etsy shop - now closed - or to friends directly! Until now! I'm involved in this:

The lovely Shanghai Bloggers Society are just the best for networking and Line, the co-founder, has been checking in on me... and we're hosting a dinner together tonight for Bon.App and she mentioned that the Spotlight Festival is looking for vendors, and as I've been making lots of rope bowls lately, I just kept going this last week! A little more hardcore and thanks to She Sews A Lot from Perth/Instagram who suggested trying with fabric wrapped around the rope... I've sewn up most of these with my fabric scraps from this year's creations. I feel very light and free sewing up stashed scraps!

The children who visit all try the bowls on as hats... and call them buckets! I also love Chooktopia's buckets for succulents, and maybe some of my taller ones will be plant holders too?
I am excited to set up a stall, but more excited because my good friends will join me... and one of the reasons I'm going to the festival... to share the stall and use the day as a bit of an experiment. I love handmade things but do Shanghai regular shopping punters? I want to write up about my friend Rosa's Karobi designs soon... but here's her red sweater that I wore to death in springtime.
So YAY, a little bit of sewing for selling! And now... I've added some pinky scraps (I've sewn about 4 more since these photos) but what other colours would work? More plain yellow ones? I'm not sure.

Here's my original post about the Rope Bowls - and links to tutorials on the web on how to DIY. It's rope and a steady zig zag stitch on your machine! Very relaxing!
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