Hey! Happy Thursday! I'm keeping busy this week and have been really *happy* for I've got lots of personal stuff going on and I'm loving Shanghai to bits. Not being in full time work is still very different for me (especially this week as everyone here and online returns to work), and now that I've got a few extra curricular activities happening, it's even weirder. I think I've become a freelancer. And a board member. And a voice over artist. (!)
I'll get to it all, but firstly I wanted to let you know about the Blogging Workshops I'm hosting!
Late last year, my friend Liv & I co-hosted a workshop for the Shanghai International Literary Festival... we only expected 10 or so people, but when more than 20 peeps confirmed their attendance, we were so happy! I've been working alongside the Shanghai Bloggers Society (my friends Line & Nando who started the app last year) to bring a springtime series of monthly blogging workshops to Shanghai from February..... AND our home will be again the lovely M Glam Bar at the famous Shanghai insitution M on the Bund.
I wrote up plenty more information on the workshops, and we'll have dates confirmed soon... but leave me a note if you need more info now... it's going to really fun!
This week I've also been confirmed a spot on the Expatriate Professional Women's Society (the EPWS) as the Commercial Sponsorship Chair! It's very exciting because I've never sat on a board before, but really love the organisation's commitment to personal growth and support of women of all ages in their career. They helped set up the Mentor Walks program (that I was a mentee last year for) here in Shanghai and they are an amazing group. So excited to be involved. If you're an expat woman in China, it'd be great to get connected with them.
AND, I also did my first voice over in Shanghai! Working in radio for many years, I've had some experience with studios & production ... so it was great wearing the headphones again and working with producers here. I love it! I totally forgot I did these kind of things in Australia all the time, we recorded promos and didn't even think twice...! And then this morning, I had coffee with the comedy club guy in Shanghai, so have rekindled my passion for comedy again... he invited me to be a judge for the upcoming festival. SO! I'm reconnecting with my passions, my skills and it's funny to remember how varied my interests were and are... so to replicate my Melbourne life, I just need to start working at a radio station with musicians again and it'll be complete!
OK, so that's all my news this week! A big week for little old me! What about you!? What did you get up to? Did you return to work from holidays? Extending your time away until late January like Australians tend to do!?
Talk soon and do get in touch if you're in Shanghai and keen to know about the blogging workshops!
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