Thursday 7 November 2013

Unabashed: Part Three in a Series

In an effort to show some real life in this blogging world, here's part 3 of my unabashed series! Just random photos of my life (usually my messy home) that I've not messed with, or set up, so to speak. I've taken the idea of 'Part NUMBER in a Series' from some inspirational women who make up the lovely Women of Letters events. Gosh they are amazing!

My loungeroom is far from magazine perfect, but I do love my Mark Tuckey/Jardin (is it? I think) couch (one you may see occasionally in catalogues or magazines, but I don't really know as I don't read such things) and all the little Baby Bits and Bobs that are around these days.

I love how random things pop up in our house, and they change so often because of little hands ... and I know I'm going to LOVE looking at these windows into our day to day life in years to come... so these Unabashed Photos are more for me than you... thanks for looking though!


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